Cash boost from the Pilkington Charitable Trust keeps GGG on the road

A £10,000 donation from the Pilkington Charitable Trust has helped Glasgow’s Golden Generation to fund a minibus to join their fleet of vehicles.

Every week GGG’s staff and volunteer drivers clock up hundreds of miles collecting older adults from their homes and dropping them off at the charity’s three day centres.


The charity already had an aging fleet of vehicles including minibuses and a people carrier, however this new purchase gives GGG the flexibility to bring in service users from a wider area.


CEO Richard Donald said,


“Our fleet of minibuses are crucial to our work, allowing us to pick up older adults from their homes across the city.


“Often before attending our day centres older adults tell us that they feel “trapped” or lonely and isolated, but getting them out of the house makes a huge difference to their wellbeing.


“Our minibuses are well known across the city and a frequent sight to many with their vibrant branding.


“Our newest addition is a fetching yellow which is really eye catching and helps us promote the charity through visibility.


“This has the added bonus of making sure our service users know it’s us coming to pick them up.


”They’ve affectionately nicknamed the new minibus the “yellow submarine” which we think has a nice ring to it!


“We can’t thank the Pilkington Charitable Trust enough for their contribution.”


Once at the charity’s three day care centres, service users enjoy activities, a three course lunch and social opportunities. Activities include armchair exercises, arts and crafts, music therapy, days out and much more.


Getting service users to the day centres is the first step in a chain of action that helps to relieve loneliness and isolation in older adults in Glasgow.


Without the minibuses, service users wouldn’t get out, so they make a massive difference to older adults in the city.

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