
Our clubs have been at the heart of the charity since 1948 and help to alleviate social isolation and loneliness. These clubs give older people opportunities to improve their quality of life, meet up with old friends and make new ones while sharing interests and acquiring new skills. They are volunteer led with support from the GGG volunteering team. 



Glasgow’s Golden Generation – GGG Clubs – Autumn Newsletter 2021

Join a Club

Contact our Befriending and Clubs Manager, who will be able to provide you with more information about the clubs, including who to contact to join. 

Apply to become an associate club

If you currently run a club, or are thinking of starting one yourself, you can apply to become an associate club of Glasgow’s Golden Generation. Being associated with us comes with several benefits, including administrative assistance, as well as support through our volunteering team. Click here to view the form and get started – the benefits are listed on the final page of the form.

Karen Moyes

Befriending and Clubs Manager

Karen Moyes
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