Three simple ways to make a difference to older adults in Glasgow:
When making your Will you will firstly arrange taking care of your loved ones but you may also wish to consider leaving a legacy to a charity. Some people choose to leave a lump sum to charities and good causes that they would like to support.
Another way to help is to leave a percentage of your residual estate. This is a good way to support a charity as the value of money changes over time and a percentage will change in line with the value of your estate. When mentioning a charity in your Will it is always good to include the charity number as charities can change their names or address over time and this avoids any confusion.
Glasgow’s Golden Generation has partnerships with a number of solicitors to help you prepare your Will, review your Will or prepare your Power of Attorney. Each of our partners will make a donation to Glasgow’s Golden Generation if you proceed with any of these services.
To find out about our partner solicitors in your area please 0141 221 9924 or email
MacDonald Lynch Solicitors & Notaries
15/17 Carmunnock Road
Mount Florida
Glasgow G44 4TZ
Bannatyne Kirkwood France & Co
16 Royal Exchange Square
Glasgow G1 3AG
Margaret McMillan
Wallace Quinn
Suite 1/3, 21 Glasgow Road
G69 6JT
0141 773 5887
3rd Floor
59 Bath Street
Glasgow G2 2DH
Many over 60s in Scotland qualify to have their Wills,
Powers of Attorney and Advance Directives prepared for free under the Scottish
Legal Aid Board’s Advice and Assistance scheme.
Not all solicitors offer Legal Aid but all members of the organisation Solicitors for Older People Scotland do. To find out if you qualify please click here or telephone 0800 152
Your donation helps ensure that we can continue to support older people throughout Glasgow.
Stay in Touch
We are recognised as a charity by the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (SC008200)
Glasgow’s Golden Generation is a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland (163918)