Our delivery campaign is going well so far & we’re on track this month to deliver to at least 2,000 doors of older adults in Glasgow with vital supplies of food, toiletries and other items.

As well as the free deliveries, we’re also running a telephone befriending and welfare advice service providing support and assistance over the phone making sure no one is forgotten.
See below a quote from an elderly lady who heard about us through Queen’s Cross Housing Association and recently her essentials package from the Fred Paton Centre.
“You have no idea how grateful I am at receiving a delivery. I have already been on lockdown for weeks due to my age and I also have asthma so this is just wonderful. I think I can speak for every older person and say a big thank you to Glasgow’s Golden Generation. This is amazing.” 🍂
To continue the above services, we’re urgently asking for your support in donating what you can to our crisis appeal at: