Glasgow’s Golden Generation has been given a AED (automatic external defibrillator) by the Rotary Club of Glasgow for use in its David Cargill Day Centre.
The device has been donated in memory of former Rotary Club President Robin Garside who sadly died in 2020. Rotary club members attended the unveiling of the AED along with Robin’s sister. Unveiling the device on behalf of the Rotary Club, Ruth Maltman BEM said,
“Robin was a long serving and popular member of the Rotary Club of Glasgow. He took ill while he was president and we miss him sorely.
”He was intelligent, sharp witted, sociable and kind. Despite the care of family and doctors, Robin left us.”
“The club has donated this AED in memory of a much-missed friend.”
CEO of GGG, Richard Donald added,
“We’d like to thank the Rotary Club of Glasgow for their kind donation of an AED. This means our staff have access to a defibrillator should any service users, volunteers or indeed staff require it.
Often an AED can make the difference between life and death in the event of a cardiac arrest – we are so pleased to have this available should it ever be needed.”