Care in the autumn years

Thank you to Lawrence

Lawrence has been volunteering with GGG for an astonishing 22 years! 👏🏅

He volunteers at our Fred Paton Centre in the West End of Glasgow and helps with dishing out the tasty meals to our service users. He also enjoys assisting with different activities and chats with the older adults who come into the day centre. He even had a few year stint of volunteering in one of our charity shops.


When Lawrence isn’t volunteering, he enjoys cycling, playing snooker, going to see the latest films, swimming, and keeping fit in the gym. 🚴🎬💪


He is always happy to help and has remained a stalwart volunteer with Glasgow’s Golden Generation for over two decades.

We’d like to take this opportunity to say a huge thanks to Lawrence! We really couldn’t do the work we do without the help of all our amazing volunteers. All of us here at GGG really appreciates everyone who generously give up their time to help us be there for older adults. ❤️


If you’re interested in finding more about our volunteering roles to help our service users across Glasgow, please fill out this form.